T.R.A.P. Tactical Rape Assault Prevention is based on training the individual to become walking, berating, living trap that at any given time could be triggered into surprising the attacker with no given signs at all. It’s what sexual predators fear the most “Getting Caught Off Guard”.


Učlani se:


Asocijacije, Federacije, Klubovi, Instruktori, nazovite predstavnika ODBRANA Tima u Srbiji i postanite clan Srpske Asocijacije Borenja i Streljastva, punopravnog clana Svetske Federacije!

Telefon:    +381 69 699232
Email:    info@odbrana.rs
Adresa: Brace Jerkovic 137A, Vozdovac 11010 Beograd, Srbija



Тактички Систем Самоодбране

Tactical Defense System

Тактическая Система Самозащиты