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Rape Prevention
T.R.A.P. Tactical Rape Assault Prevention is based on training the individual to become walking, berating, living trap that at any given time could be triggered into surprising the attacker with no given signs at all. It’s what sexual predators fear the most “Getting Caught Off Guard”.
T.R.A.P. (Tactical Rape Assault Prevention)
*Rape Prevention for Women*
The reason for such a program came to the attention of Vladimir Djordjevic when he did some research and to his surprise came to learn that out of all the rape prevention, rehabilitation and consoling centers in the U.S. that not one offered a program that could teach self-defense specifically targeting a real life attack. He took it upon himself and started to implement the most effective forms and methods of martial arts and military service he has learned in over 34 years into a program that would not only protect the victim but also give them the confidence to completely demobilize an attacker on site. His program is based on training the individual to become a walking, breathing, living trap that at any given time could be triggered into surprising the attacker with no given signs at all. Its what sexual predators fear the most “Getting Caught Off Guard.”
“You cannot rely on a false sense of security our society has given to its law enforcement to being there all the time to protect you.”Vladimir ‘Mr.V’ Djordjevic
Our Goal:
To empower females on how to neutralize an uncontrollable attacking situation by training them to be a device with tactics intended to detect, hinder or harm an attacker instantaneously.
Definition of Rape/Sexual Assault:
Forcible rape, as defined in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, is the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Assaults and attempts to commit rape by force or threat of force are also included; however, statutory rape (without force) and other sex offenses are excluded.
How is T.R.A.P. different from rehabilitation or rape consoling programs?
T.R.A.P. is a program that was designed to empower females with what they feel they have lost from a violent sexual assault…. “CONTROL”. It is to rebuild confidence physically as well as emotionally in the individual.
Why should I enroll in your program?
Our program is the first and only one in the United States to offer such a high level of military grade training to the civilian sector. In other words you will be getting a similar type of training our military offers our special forces.
I am not a victim of sexual assault should I still take your program?
Absolutely! Statistics show a percentage of rape crimes not only in our country but around the world that fluctuates each year. Until that number reaches a zero percentage I would strongly recommended learning how to defend your self.
“I live in a safe community were crime rarely happens so I don’t need to take a self-defense class”
You said it yourself…. “RARELY” Do you want to put yourself in that rare situation being ill prepared to take control of it or do you want to be just another victim.
“When I go out with a GROUP of my friends to the mall or club I feel safe”
This is a misleading and dangerous concept. The bottom line is no matter who you are with or how many friends are around you if he sees you; he sees you and will wait for the right time to strike. Remember feeling safe and being safe are two different things.
“It can never happen to me”
It is when you feel that it can never happen to you that you leave yourself wide open and vulnerable to an attacker. An attacker looking for a victim is very observant and keen on females who are not aware or are unable to detect an attacking situation. The risk/danger just keeps rising the less you know how to protect yourself.
Classes will be an hour and a half long and be broken up into fall and winter programs lasting 3 months long….
Fall classes will be from Sept to Nov.
Winter classes will be from Jan to Mar.
Classes will meet 2 times a week on Tue & Thu of each month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
*Exams will be held at the end of each month with an overall exam being given at the end of the training program.
**Classes will consist of all different types of real attacking situations with everyday objects as well as different real life scenarios.
*4th Annual:
International Thanksgiving Rape Prevention Boot Camp by ODBRANA
November 23rd – November 24th, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
Call: + 331.333.5595 or Email our Management Team
*3rd Annual:
International Thanksgiving Rape Prevention Boot Camp by ODBRANA
November 22nd to November 25th, 2012 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
Call: + 331.333.5595 or Email our Management Team
*2nd Annual:
International Thanksgiving Rape Prevention Boot Camp by ODBRANA
November 24th to November 27th, 2011 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
Call: + 331.333.5595 or Email our Management Team
*1st Annual:
International Thanksgiving Rape Prevention Boot Camp by ODBRANA
November 25th to November 28th, 2010 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
Call: + 331.333.5595 or Email our Management Team
Rape or sexual violence is a tool used against girls and women around the world as a means to control and/or prevent them from functioning independently or reaching their full potential.
Mainly because it is tolerated. During the past few years we have learned that here, in the United States, military sexual assault has been a rampant problem that has gone unchecked for over a decade. Statistics have shown that almost all women in the military have either experienced a sexual assault first-hand or have heard of a fellow servicewomen being assaulted. Alot of rape prevention programs are birthed from military self-defense training, such as TRAP to combat these increase rates of sexual assault.
The statistics aren’t much better for civilian women walking the streets here in the United States. Everyday, a woman is raped every 46 seconds. This translates to approximately 1 in 5 being victims of rape or attempted rape. Women ages 20-24 are especially vulnerable of rape, and studies show that by 18 years old atleast 25% of girls will have been sexually assaulted.
That has only gotten worse since feminists won major women’s rights victories over 40 years ago. This male-dominated society has allowed this indifferent, and corrupt ideology to permeate into all levels of government and judicial institutions. Even worse is that at hot spots where rapists pray at, our colleges and universities, it is difficult to organize or get justice for rape victims as college girls are often painted as liars, “attention whores”, or convinced into thinking that they either deserved it or that no rape had even occurred.
The law and judicial system is just not on our side when it comes to getting justice for female victims of sexual assault or abuse. Only 3% of rapist spend any length of time in jail. Another truly disturbing statistic is that in the U.S., convicted rapist may even sue for custody and visitation rights against the rape victim.
Until this rape culture is eliminated, they must find ways to prevent this horrible experience from happening to them. There are some important preventative measures you can take to either avoid the sexual abuse or harassment from manifesting or apply self-defense techniques that can empower you so that you can gain the upper-hand on any aggressor, looking for easy prey.
Men might appear to be the stronger sex on the outside, but male rapists share alot of common weaknesses that you can against them. Enrolling in a rape prevention program will give you the tools you need to escape an attacker. Programs such as TRAP or Tactical Rape Assault Prevention provide mental and physical preparation against potential attackers who are looking to catch you off-guard.
Just because you live in a seemingly-safe, gated community or practice all the necessary precautions, like never walking alone at night, does not mean you cannot be a victim of rape. You can never have 100% awareness of your surroundings and rapists always look for opportunity to strike when you last expect it. You should arm yourself with TRAP’s rape prevention program to avoid leaving your life in the hands of fate or luck.
The TRAP program utilizes self-defense knowledge that is used by martial artists and other preventative measures to close the window of opportunity for potential attackers. This program gives you the confidence to stop the enemy dead in their tracks and turns the tables to be on the offensive so that women will never feel like they are incapable of fighting-back effectively.
TRAP transforms women into a living, breathing TRAP that can spring on any would-be attacker, giving you the upper-hand by using the element of surprise that they are attempting to use on you. Don’t live life passively, take control of your life by enrolling in the Tactical Rape Assault Prevention program.
The survival rate by utilizing rape prevention techniques has be shown to increase up to 80 percent. Attackers want an easy target who will not fight back or increase their chances of being caught. Rape is an expression of dominance, don’t play into their sick fantasy by feeling helpless.
You are not alone. You can empower yourself and turn the tables and not have to live life under the shadows of men.
To read more visit: http://odbrana.com/programs/rape-prevention/ for more information on TRAP’s rape prevention program.
To empower females on how to neutralize an uncontrollable attacking situation by training them to be a device with tactics intended to detect, hinder or harm an attacker instantaneously.
Definition of Rape/Sexual Assault:
Forcible rape, as defined in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, is the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Assaults and attempts to commit rape by force or threat of force are also included; however, statutory rape (without force) and other sex offenses are excluded.
How is T.R.A.P. different from rehabilitation or rape consoling programs?
T.R.A.P. is a program that was designed to empower females with what they feel they have lost from a violent sexual assault…. “CONTROL”. It is to rebuild confidence physically as well as emotionally in the individual.
Why should I enroll in your program?
Our program is the first and only one in the United States to offer such a high level of military grade training to the civilian sector. In other words you will be getting a similar type of training our military offers their enlisted.
I am not a victim of sexual assault should I still take your program?
Absolutely! Statistics show a percentage of rape crimes not only in our country but around the world that fluctuates each year. Until that number reaches a zero percentage I would strongly recommended learning how to defend your self.
“I live in a safe community were crime rarely happens so I don’t need to take a self-defense class”
You said it yourself…. “RARELY” Do you want to put yourself in that rare situation being ill prepared to take control of it or do you want to be just another victim.
“When I go out with a GROUP of my friends to the mall or club I feel safe”
This is a misleading and dangerous concept. The bottom line is no matter who you are with or how many friends are around you if he sees you; he sees you and will wait for the right time to strike. Remember feeling safe and being safe are two different things.
“It can never happen to me”
It is when you feel that it can never happen to you that you leave yourself wide open and vulnerable to an attacker. An attacker looking for a victim is very observant and keen on females who are not aware or are unable to detect an attacking situation. The risk/danger just keeps rising the less you know how to protect yourself.
Rape is a violent crime, an invasion, a frightening experience.Rape affects all women, no matter what their age, race or economicstatus. All women are potential victims of sexual assault.By being aware, a woman can reduce the likelihood of becoming arape victim. This does not mean all rapes can be prevented.Rapists commit rape — NOT VICTIMS.
How prevalent is rape in the US?
National studies reveal very high rates of rape. The most recent Department of Justice survey concludes 311,000 victims per year. (This includes male and female, gay and straight.) This figure is believed to be a low estimate. The National Victim Center concludes 683,000 per year. The FBI has concluded that 1 in 3 women will be raped during their lifetime. 91% of those raped are female; 9% of those raped are male; 99% of those committing rape are male.
What is the difference between stranger rape and acquaintance rape?
The law regards them the same in terms of seriousness. Most rapes (75-80%) are acquaintance rapes. Some specific emotional reactions are different but both are traumatic life-changing events. Either can have added physical injuries.
How prevalent is same gender/transgender rape?
Females as well as males can and do rape their same gender acquaintances or partners. Research is still relatively sparse. Most studies are of a small sample or do not identify the gender of the assailant. The first national survey of transgender violence found 13.7% reported being the victim of rape or attemptedrape. The sample size was 402 persons.
What IS rape?
A rape has been committed when a person forces, threatens with force or exploits another’s inability to function to gain sexual access against the others will or consent (or inability to consent). Inability to function (or resist) can result from alcohol overuse, drugs, sleep or disability. Legally it is a felony. Emotionally it is a life-altering trauma. Consent is defined by the legal system as “positive cooper
The solution to ending rape does NOT lie in girls and women taking more precautions. It lies in challenging and changing attitudes and institutions (media, family, school, sports, the state etc.) that encourage aggressive, dominant masculinity as the norm with the corresponding objectification/subordination of females.
However, we are not powerless! The following tips are not a guarantee, but they can help reduce the odds. Despite all this, if a person is ever raped, the responsibility ALWAYS lies with the aggressor, not the victim. Forgetting to lock a door is not a crime. Trusting a friend is not a crime. Partying is not a crime. Walking alone is not a crime. RAPE IS THE CRIME.
If you have ever been raped, or have concerns for someone who has please contact the following….
For 24-hour crisis response:
Chicago Police
Dial – 911
Rape Victim Advocates
Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline 1-888-293-2080
Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network
Rainn Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE
“ Very, very smart initiative. I like it very much. World need much more people like a Vladimir Djordjevic. —Un iniziativa molto intelligente. Mi piace molto. … ”
—Slobodan Ralic